our journey

This blog is like a diary or journal of our journey through the murky waters of having a stroke. To be able to understand the story you should start on the first post and go from there.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Catch the Signs

This commercial came out recently; it's great because it makes people aware of how fast a stroke can happen and educates people on the steps to take when it does; at the same time if you have had a stroke you can relate to how Phil and I feel every time we see it.  It's a little eery to us.  Phil says it's like being in a crowded elevator and you can't breathe.  It really freaks me out, with a heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach.  It is a good commercial because it grabs your attention....

Learn the signs of stroke

Thursday 15 January 2015

Monday, Tuesday November 21st, 22nd

My Side:

I remember arriving at emerg with my nurse, but time has kind of stopped at that point.  I spent most of Monday waiting for tests and I sort of remember emailing from a nurses laptop, only because I still have those emails, which I have decide to share...

  • Nov 22, 2011
·         PhilMcCoy
found computor in lounge area sadly no mags or books.  seen doc he said he looked at my scans quickly last night but he is going to have the radiologists look at them closer but he didnt see what he thought he would see that clot down the center of my head.  so he ordered more tests i think he said mri and mra.  I miss you guys i wish i wasnt here.  Have no clothes, brush, toothbrush no money to buy anything to read.  been sleeping alot I hope you are too I dont want to worry that your not sleeping then you get sick.  How are the boys tell them i love them.  hows Karolin doing tell her i said hi.  reason im emailing is because none of the phones dial out long distance have to get nurse to do it.  only one computer here so dont know when ill get access.  if your on now email now before i go back for breakfast.
love you miss you xoxo

From: Phil McCoy <philmccoy@pronorth.com>
To: "'dardoo2003@yahoo.ca'" <dardoo2003@yahoo.ca> 
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 7:21:26 AM
Subject: Re: hiiiiiiiii
I love u sooooo much , everyone fine just worried, will call hospital and find out if I could ride back with u if I get there.hoew can I get money to u ? I can't sleep yet. Find out if u can how long they intend to keep u so we do not end up with u here and me there.I miss u so much, call me if u can

  • Nov 22, 2011
·         Phil McCoy
dont come yet they are very strict with visiting hours i am in the trauma/neurology clinic.  dont want you to send anything ill find something to do.  you have to get some sleep please do it for me.  i think im doing the tests today and if they let me out i have to find my own way home but if they send me back to the hospital i will probably fly there.  what did everyone say when you told them i had to fly.  laugh their heads off. so maybe you could try to figure that out for me.  i need pants, underware, bra coat hairbrush toothbrush to go home with .  again i donet now when that will be.  but if you can come down with a truck for the day and be able to go back that night my room number is 946 on the 9th floor love you get sleep

  • Nov 22, 2011
·         Phil McCoy

i would know more after the tests today so im going to go back to my room in case they come looking for me and ill email you when i know more hopefully by supper i should know

see ya love ya say hi to everyone

Subject: Re: hey  
ya but i havent had the rest of my test done yet still waitning for the mri

From: Phil McCoy <philmccoy@pronorth.com>
To: "'dardoo2003@yahoo.ca'" <dardoo2003@yahoo.ca> 
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 6:14:22 PM
Subject: Re: hey
Ill be there around 8 actually will have a big coffee , if u are unable to fly home I have arranged for u to bus , do you want your coat brought down just in case
From: Darlene McCoy [mailto:dardoo2003@yahoo.ca] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 06:11 PM
To: Phil McCoy 

  • Nov 23, 2011
·         Phil McCoy
well cant hog the comp it just came back on when i got on it going to check avon make sure everything went thru then give to someone else (the comp that is)  love you cant wait to see you t omorrow say hi to the boys tell them i love them

The last email was on the 23rd and that's it, I don't remembe anything else.

Phil's side:

At first the tests kept you busy but the MRI that you needed to assess your condition did not appear to be coming any time soon because there had been a flood in the department and it was shut down.  You were given a long distance code that you could use to call home.  You called me and told me they would not supply you with underwear so I packed your stuff and headed down.

My Side:

It is kind of eery looking at these emails, simply because I don't remember anything of Wednesday, or the doctor talking to me or you getting there.

Sunday, November 20th, 2011; the next morning

My side:

The next morning did not bring much change.  I was still not feeling well and had spent most of the night vomiting.  Another doctor came in to replace Dr. Rivet ( I will call him Dr. D.).  he did not like what he saw and sent me for a cat scan.  The radiologist couldnt make out what was going on so Dr. D. performed a Spinal Tap.  The fluid that came out had blood in it so he called St. Michael's hospital in Toronto and they ordered him to have me flown there right away.  Since I had never been on a plane before they gave me something to relax and a nurse accompanied me to the hospital.

Phil:  "First Time Flyer"

You arrived in Toronto with nothing but a hospital gown, a pair of shoes and my socks.  You slept most of the time so didn't have any ill effects of being on a plane for the first time.

Saturday, November 19th, 2011

Because of the complexity of my illness I have to rely mainly on my family and friends to help me tell my story.  I remember very little of the events as they occurred so the beginning will start with myself at home November 19th, 2011 cleaning the house for my son Matt's birthday.

at approximately 8am that morning as I was sweeping the floor I began to have 
migraine" like symptoms. Hot, sharp pain tore through my head and  I remember screaming for my children and grabbing the phone to call Phil, because it was close at hand and he was the first one I thought to call.

Phil's side:

"At home you were struck suddenly with extreme pain in your head.  You called me asking for help and I had Nick take you to the hospital in a cab!  Doctor Rivet saw you and diagnosed you with a migrain; treated you and sent you home.  At home you refused to sit and relax because it was matt's birthday and you started heating up food for him and his friends.  We had a birthday dinner with matt and you were tired but okay.

People left and you decided to head up for bed.  moments after going up you started to scream and hold your head in pain.  We came back to emerg , the same doctor was there he began to treat you for a migrain and we stayed there for the night.

We Will Survive

When one partner suffers a stroke; life is turned upside down, but when you have both partners who have been struck with a serious illness ; it can be a devastating blow 

I was the first one at 47 years of age to suffer with what doctors call a series of thunderclap migraines which resulted in a bleed on the right side of my brain a Cerebral Hemmorage).  After a long series of tests, MRI's, and CT scans, the doctors referred to my "stroke" as "Call Fleming Syndrome"more info on this later.

The date was November 19, 2011.  I will never forget that day.  

Then on July 29, 2014 my husband Phil at 53 was struck down with a massive stroke which resulted in a bleed in the (Basal Gaglia) more info on this later.  This was a day that dampened what was the beginning of a joyous summer;( we had two sons marry Nick in June and Cory in July) 

This blog will be set up somewhat like a diary starting November 19, 2011 to present day.  We are hoping our story, experiences, fustrations, and how we have had to struggle,  but at the same time still find joy in being together and being alive will help others not only find hope but better understand what a stroke is and steps to take to help avoid one.  Each day  we find new reasons to get up and do it all again.