our journey

This blog is like a diary or journal of our journey through the murky waters of having a stroke. To be able to understand the story you should start on the first post and go from there.

Monday 2 February 2015

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Phil's Side;

When I arrived in Toronto I rushed to the hospital but you had suffered another "attack", the third one, through the night and were heavily sedated and  were being taken for another test.  A Cranial Angiogram"  where tubes are inserted into your groin all the way up into your neck.  This test was so they could insert a dye into your head.

I had to hold your legs down so that the incision wouldn't reopen; you also were not supposed to sit up or lift your right leg.

My Side:

apparently I knew you were there because when you arrived you began to rub my feet and I cried out " Where have you been?"  To this day I don't remember this.

Phil's Side:

After the test the Dr. said that it was informative and would help determine what happened.  he also said your headaches would get worse and they did for the rest of the day.  You were in pain and asleep.  I had to leave to get back to North Bay and I coyldn't tell you I loved you and that night without being able to talk to you and knowing you would wake up looking for me was the worst night in my life.  i rode back home in tears, afraid for you.  I called the nurses station on the 8th floor 2-3 times a dayto see how you were.  I hated to be away from you but I had to work to pay bills.

I think the nurses started getting irritated by my calls, but they were nice and told me you were ok.  That Saturday things got scary.

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